New Music by Jason Didner: “Digital Carnival”

Social media. Love it, or hate it? If you’re like most people, it’s probably a little bit of both. For me, social media pretty much saved me. I’m not kidding when I say that. At the hardest point in my journey, I came to find some of the kindest people who were navigating similar mental health issues through Twitter and Instagram. They made me feel hopeful, connected, and less overwhelmed. I’m so thankful for them. Depending on how you intentionally curate your social media feed though, you can either dive deep into art, inspiration, and hope, or you can get lost in self-critical and comparative thinking. It’s a double edge sword and I have had my share of moments when I’ve had to take a step away from the countless scrolling, advertisements, and bombardment of (sometimes inaccurate and unhealthy) information. 

In Jason Didner’s new album (his fifth one!), he explores our online world and “satirizes the absurdities of today’s technology in hopes to pierce Big Tech’s power over your mind and heart.” He goes on to observe that “social media moguls spend their vast wealth on space travel. An artificial intelligence chatbot professed its love for a journalist and urged him to leave his wife. Foreign adversaries do more harm to democracies with an online flood of disinformation than with armies. Role-playing gaming companies constantly urge kids to hit up their parents for in-app purchases and monthly subscriptions.” 

Some really great tunes for thought about our coexistence with digital tools!

You can find links to his music and learn more about Jason’s writing process, inspiration, and past records at 

Happy listening!